Donating Money

If you would prefer to donate financially there are several ways that can be done. These funds can be used to top up on non-perishable foods and household products we are short of, as well as to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. The need for our service is increasing, and our cash and food donations are decreasing.

This year we held our first ever sponsored walk to raise funds for Windsor Foodshare. On Saturday 27 April 2024 we ‘looped the lake’ at Virginia Water to raise funds and supplies for Windsor Foodshare.

Thank you so much to everyone that took part and to everyone who has donated so generously.

The rain held off and everyone made it round the loop.

So far we have raised over ten thousand pounds.

We’re looking forward to making this an annual event.

If you’d like to make a donation then you can do that by clicking here.

We are one of the few foodbanks that is able to supply fresh fruit and vegetables on a weekly basis. We need help to continue.

We feel strongly that our fruit and veg provision is vitally important. For some of our clients, this is the only fresh food they will get.

Last year, we spent over £21,000 a year on fruit and veg. With rising food prices, this bill sharply increased over the last six months.

The annual total is a large figure. But when you break it down over the people we help to feed (7,281 in 2022 alone), it works out to around £2.88 per person.

How you can help

You could sponsor a person to receive fruit and vegetables with a regular donation of £15 a month. If this is too much, you could consider sponsoring them for one week a month (£3.50 a month).

One-off donations are also invaluable to help us to keep providing this much-needed fresh food.

The easiest way to donate is via Just Giving. If you can, please remember to add gift aid as this gives us 25% on top of your donation!

The following donation methods are given in our preferred order.

Just Giving

Our JustGiving page can accept one-off or regular donations. JustGiving donations can be enhanced with Gift Aid. Read about it all here on our JustGiving page.

Bank Transfer

You can make donations by bank transfer from your bank to ours.

Our account at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is

Sort Code: 40-52-40   

Account Number: 00030432

Account name:  Windsor Foodshare

You can Gift Aid donations made by Bank Transfer by filling in a Gift Aid form. You can download a Gift Aid form here . Once you’ve filled it in then please post it to us at:

Windsor Foodshare
Dedworth Green Baptist Church
Smiths Lane


You can also send in a cheque, which is our least preferred method of payment.

Please make out cheques to Windsor Christian Action (WCA) and please enclose a note to say the funds are for Windsor Foodshare (WFS).

You can Gift Aid donations made by cheque by filling in a Gift Aid form and sending it to us along with your cheque. You can download a Gift Aid form here.

Cheques and Gift Aid Forms can be sent to us at:

Windsor Foodshare
Dedworth Green Baptist Church
Smiths Lane